On this page you can report typogaphical errors, such as spelling, punctuation or grammatical mistakes that you have found in any of our books. Your comments are invaluable in helping us improve their quality. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Wise Deer Press
(Typographical errors will be addressed as they are found and time allows.)
Start with the book information by filling out the following fields:
- Name of the book
- Indicate whether it is the printed or electronic version
Then, for each error within the same book, include the following:
- The page number and paragraph where the error is located
(for e-books, indicate the nearest chapter name and subtitle to make it easier to locate the error) - Describe or show the error. For example, including the complete sentence or paragraph where the error is located.
- Write down the correction needed
- If necessary, add context
- If you detected several errors, begin each report, with a consecutive number: Correction 1, Correction 2, Correction 3, etc.
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